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Top dogs of social media

Looking for more canine content? We have the top five dogs to follow on social to get your daily Fido fix and keep inspiring your dogs to become social superstars.

Doug the pug sat at home on the sofa

1. Doug the pug


Everything you want and expect from a pug living his best life. Dougs wardrobe is more extensive and way more stylish than ours and we can’t help but envy his hipster life.

Two Dachshunds sat together in their doggy jumpers

2. Crusoe the Dachshund


If it’s great video content you are after, Crusoe’s your man. With his dachshund sister Daphne, they make hilarious and cute mini-movies to make us smile!

Dog showing an overbite

3. Tuna the dog


If you after happiness and laughter, Tuna is your man!

Tuna is spreading joy with his big heart and adventures with his human sister.

Funny dog picture of a dog's head on a human body

4. Bhodi Shiba Inu


If you like dogs and you like fashion then this Instagram is the perfect mash-up. Bhodi is the most stylish dog in the world and can pull off a blazer and turtle neck like no other.
Dog outdoors in a snowwy outdoor setting wear their dog friendly coat

5. Maddie – This Wild Idea


Maddie is the ultimate travel lifestyle blogger, her trips will have you eager to book a road trip as soon as possible!
