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Doggy Dental Care

Dog with a dog toothbrush in their mouth

Did you know…

Although very strong, dogs teeth are prone to weakness and decay just like ours, and therefore need the same level of care including daily brushing.

It’s not all about fancy toothpaste and top-of-the-range toothbrushes, it’s simply about frequency.

Brushing your dog’s teeth daily with just water is more effective than a weekly or monthly session with expensive doggy toothpaste. Although a daily clean with dog toothpaste is the best way to go if you can.

French bulldog enjoying some dog enrichment which helps clean teeth

How to keep your dog’s teeth clean

Brushing your dog’s teeth is as essential as brushing your own.

It’s a simple two-minute exercise, preferably before bed and after all meals, and getting into a routine is key as, like most things, prevention is better than cure.

Dental chews and a suitable diet will also help reduce plaque. There are also some really great toys that can make cleaning dogs teeth fun as well as snacks aimed at cleaning those gnashers.

Golden retriever giving paw to their dog owner

Dos and Don’ts

  • Brush your dog’s teeth daily.
  • Don’t use human toothpaste as this can contain chemicals toxic for dogs.
  • Introduce your dog from a young age slowly to the motion of having their teeth brushed and use positive training methods. If at first your dog is not comfortable with having a toothbrush in their mouth, then even just letting them sniff it and rewarding them for this is a step in the right direction.
  • Dental chews are high in calories. When giving these to your dogs make sure to reduce your dog’s normal diet accordingly so they don’t gain weight.
  • If your dog has a large build up of plaque seek advice from your vet.

